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City of East Point  |  Fulton County  |  GA
City of East Point  |  Fulton County  |  GA
Homeowner Application for Permit
Submit a permit application online.
Contractor Learning Center


  1. For all Permit Applications and Forms, go to: Applications & Forms -->Planning and Community Development-->Permits.
  2. Contractors:
    • If you are a contractor, engineer, pemit expeditor or design professional, create your "Contractor's" account first (if you have not already done so) before applying for a permit. When and if you are asked for a webpin, send your request to permits by CLICKING HERE to complete the WebPin Request Form.
    • You will be emailed the webpin and/or confirmation that the account has been linked. After your account has been created and linked, login with your username and then apply for permit.
    • Also, 2023 Business Licenses will no longer be accepted after March 31st! Your 2024 Business License will be required after March 31st in order for a permit to be issued.
  3. Homeowners:
    • If you are the homeowner applying, you do not have to create a Contractor's account. At the "Enter Applicant Information" step, check the box "I certify that I am the homeowner." If the owner's information is incorrect, still check the box and put in the correct Applicant information and continue.
  4. Application Submittal Response Turn-Around-Time:
    • After submitting application, the applicant should receive a status withn two (2) business days. This notice will indicate 1) that enough information was provided to continue with the process and a request for payment (if applicable) will be emailed 2) more information is needed or 3) the application submittal is denied.
  5. Notarized Documents:
    • Uploading notarized documents WILL BE ACCEPTED as long as the Notary Signature, Date and Seal can be CLEARLY seen!

BEGIN THE PROCESS WITH "STEP 1: SELECT A PROPERTY" below. Notice: If your address does not appear at all on the list, email permits@eastpointcity.org and this will be corrected shortly. You may continue when address is available.

      **Disclaimer: BS&A Software provides BS&A Online as a way for municipalities to display information online and is not responsible for the content or accuracy of the data herein. This data is provided for reference only and WITHOUT WARRANTY of any kind, expressed or inferred. Please contact your local municipality if you believe there are errors in the data. If you are experiencing general issues using the BS&A Online website please contact BSA Online Support at BSAOnlineSupport@bsasoftware.com or 517-641-8900.