Online permitting requires an active registration. New Registrations or renewals will require application and documentation to be sent to the township for review before approval. Please send emails to Registrations may be paid for online once they are are approved. Once registrations are approved you will be sent your PIN #. Administration fees do not include any inspections. Most permits will require at least one or more inspections including one final inspection.
Permit steps are as follows:
1) Permit acceptance for review,
2) Permit approval,
3) Permit payment,
4) Permit issue
You will be notified after each step by the email listed in the application.
**Disclaimer: BS&A Software provides BS&A Online as a way for municipalities
to display information online and is not responsible for the content or accuracy
of the data herein. This data is provided for reference only and WITHOUT WARRANTY
of any kind, expressed or inferred. Please contact your local municipality if you
believe there are errors in the data. If you are experiencing general issues using
the BS&A Online website please contact BSA Online Support at
or 517-641-8900.